find me at Tiger Tattoo in Spokane WA 1824 E. Sprague , 99202

Scheduling for Tuesday through Saturday from 11am to 7pm

*** click here to view super neato -ready-to-go- tattoo designs I have created.

  • I am also at this time taking custom projects**

TEXT me at (509)255-3274 to make an appointment

-WHO: tell me you’re name =)

-WHAT: what do you want tattooed? You can send a screenshot of the design from the available tattoos page or describe and send reference to the number above
I can alter/customize a design from my available tattoos as well :)
I am also taking appointments for the “dice of destiny” which is a tattoo game that has you roll three dice two times , each roll will give you a number between 100 and 499. Each number will correlate to a design in my “game book”. I will blend the designs together on the spot to create a custom drawing so each game is unique to each person and no design will be duplicated. I am also offering a “choose your own destiny” , you get to choose your own two designs from the book to have me blend together. I have the whole game book posted in my highlights on my instagram. I can also tattoo each design in the game book as a tattoo as well.

-WHERE: where on your body would you like your tattoo?

-HOW: how large in size? (Preferably in inches!)

I am currently $190 an hour,(before tax). I enjoy doing color AND black and grey =)

feel free to text with any questions :)
